Saturday, June 16, 2012

Bathroom closet make over

Want a 100% return on investment when remodeling your home or preparing to sell? Organization is your answer. When staging your home to sell, it is crucial not to ignore your closets and drawers as potential home buyers are checking on your home's storage space. The before and after pictures below are obviously the same closet, but which of the two closets below looks bigger?

Using only four additional containers really made a difference. Look around your house to see what you can upcycle to organize with! (Notice the upcycled baby wipe ontainer on the third shelf). We used containers to group "like" things:
- Bath (shampoo/lotion/bubble bath)
- Adult medicine
- Child medicine
-Hair (hair spray, gels, mouse)
- Beach (sunscreen, aloe gel, which were placed on the top shelf by the beach towels)

We also grouped all of the extra Kleenex boxes, flower vases, and hand soaps in neat rows/sections on the top shelf.

Even if you're not planning on selling your home, keeping an organized closet will make your house run smoother!


Friday, June 15, 2012

Family time

I'm writing this as I'm relaxing on our patio, watching my two boys play together in the sandbox-- it is so important to remember to carve out this time when planning your days/weeks. When you are organized and do some prioritizing you will be surprised at how much. "free time" you really do have! Now get away from the computer/phone/iPad and go play with our kids (or call a friend!)!!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Bill Paying Organizer

Organizing finances= BORING for some people, but the consequences of not being organized in this area of your life are the most costly! How much have you spent in your lifetime on interest charges, over draft fees, or worse, late fees? Think of what else you COULD have ENJOYED with that money!  I created this Bill Paying Organizer to share! Print, complete and put in your Household Organization Binder (what?? You dont have one? We will discuss that at a later post!) , hang on your fridge, or if you are techy, keep it saved on your computer - just put it somewhere you WILL NOT lose it!
Now after you have saved yourself $40 by not having overdraft/late fees, go and treat yourself to a nice pedicure :)